Thursday, 27 January 2011

Removing Wax From Your Carpet or Rug

This one is an "oldie but a goodie"!

First remove any hard pieces of wax with a butter knife.

Get some newspaper and an iron.

Place the newspaper over the wax and gently heat with the iron.

The wax should melt and soak into the newspaper and can easily be removed.

Be very careful when doing this that (a) you don't burn yourself or (b) that you don't burn/melt your carpet!


  1. Candles add wonderful beauty to our homes but when Wax falls on carpet it looks permanent mess. Removing wax from carpet with iron and paper is one of the oldest and best method ever. This will really save the money. But when it comes to professional cleaning, it is advisable to hire professional cleanr in your areas.
    Carpet Cleaning Atlanta

  2. Although a blatant self advertisement by Kiwi Services, here I couldn't agree more! Sometime we all have to give in and call the professionals!

    Don't be tempted to get the wax out of your Aunt Betty's 200 year old carpet with your iron!
